affected adj. 1.受了影响的,感染了的。 2.感动的。 the affected part 患部。 adj. 1.装模作样的,做作的。 2.觉得…的。 His manners are affected. 他的态度不自然。 How is he affected towards us 他觉得我们怎么样? ill affected (to) 对…不友好的。 well affected (to) 对…怀好意的。 affected airs 装模作样。 affected laugh 装笑,假笑。 adv. -ly 装模作样地,不自然地。
individual adj. 1.单一的,个别的,单独的。 2.个人的,个体的。 3.特殊的,特有的,独特的 (opp. General, universal)。 give individual attention [instruction] 给予个别注意[教导]。 Each individual person 各个人。 An individual style of speaking 独特的谈话风格。 A set of individual tea cups (花色等)各不相同的一套茶杯。 n. 个人 (opp. Society, family) 个体,独立单位;〔俚语〕人。 A disagreeable individual讨厌的家伙。 An agreeable individual 好人。 A private individual 私人,个人。 Representative individuals 代表人物。
Since sales tax affects individuals directly , salaries tax concessions are considered appropriate 既然销售税是直接影响个人的支出,所以在薪俸税中作出让步是比较适合。
It implies that leadership affect individual learning and information asymmetry affect decision accuracy 亦即有团队领导者会影响个人学习成效而资讯分布会影响决策正确性。
It implies that leadership affect individual learning and information asymmetry affect decision accuracy 亦即有团队领导者会影响个人学习成效而信息分布会影响决策正确性。
In addition , significantly less of the affected individuals achieved tertiary education as compared to normal controls 调查亦发现尿床患者中有大学教育程度的远较正常人(非尿床者)为少。
And will not disclose any of the patients information to third parties without the consent of the affected individual 所有医疗记录会保持高度机密,我们不会向第三者透露任何有关病者的资料。
In the above examples the mutation has occurred in a germ cell and is transmitted to the descendents of the affected individual , resulting in a familial pattern of disease 上述例子中生殖细胞已发生突变,且传递给患者后代,导致一家族疾病的模式。
The results of analysis of domestic work performance show that gender characteristics of the macroeconomic environment potentially affect individual behaviors in private domains 家务行为的分析结果表明,具有性别特征的宏观经济环境对私人空间行为具有潜在作用。
" events in the past few days have indicated that the community accepts isolation arrangements despite the inconvenience it caused to the affected individuals , " he said 他说:过去几日事态发展显示,即使隔离的安排对受影响市民构成不便,社会仍是接受这安排的这。
Even in some conditions that are called “ sporadic disorders , ” the chance for affected individuals having a birth defect and defective siblings is increased tremendously 即使是在一些被称为“散发性疾病”的健康父母在生育过有出生缺陷的孩子后,再生育有缺陷同胞的机率也是显著增加的。
Comorbidity may affect the ability of affected individuals to function and also their survival ; it may be used as a prognostic indicator for length of hospital stay , cost factors , and outcome or survival 共病可以影响受累个体的功能以及生存率,可用来预测住院时间、医疗费用和转归或生存率。